St. Irenaeus and his arguments against the Gnostics


  • Andrzej Kuźma Wydział Teologiczny, Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie



St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Gnosticism, fight with Gnosticism, the theory of recapitulation, the apostolicity of the Church, Apostolic Tradition


This article presents St. Irenaeus and characterizes his literary work. The origins of Gnosticism are discussed and the main leaders of this movement at the turn of the third century are presented. Next, the places in which St. Irenaeus reveals orthodox teaching when combating Gnostic views, which threatened the existence of the Church, are outlined. These points concern anthropology, the theory of recapitulation, and the Tradition and apostolicity of the Church. While exposing the Gnostic’s false teaching, St. Irenaeus bears witness to the true teaching of the Church.


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How to Cite

Kuźma, A. (2015). St. Irenaeus and his arguments against the Gnostics. Elpis, (17), 145–151.




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