Fonvizin: from fate to providence


  • Adam Drozdek Duquesne University in Pittsburgh



Fonvizin, Orthodoxy


This article traces the spiritual development of Denis Fonvizin, an eminent literary personality in Russia. He had a religious upbringing, however, in St. Petersburg he was strongly influenced by freethinker Feodor A. Kozlovskii. He abandoned his views under the influence of Ivan Elagin and his sister, which led him to an intense study of the Bible and to an experience of spiritual conversion. His beliefs have been reflected in his literary work, in particular, in his plays and in some of his political essays. In spite of his crippling illness, Fonvizin believed in the benevolent providence of God to the end of his life.


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Елагин, И[ван] П., Повесть о себе самом, Русский архив 1864, no. 1, col. 107.

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Люстров, Михаил Ю., Фонвизин, Москва: Молодая Гвардия 2013.

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Фонвизин, Денис И., Собрание сочинений, Мосва: Государственное Издательство Художественной Литературы 1959, vols. 1-2.




How to Cite

Drozdek, A. (2014). Fonvizin: from fate to providence. Elpis, (16), 43–47.




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