Sovereigns of Ancient Rus-Russia and The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius


  • Rostislav Yarema independent scientist



The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Troitskaya (Royal) road, pilgrimage of the prince, tradition of visits, crucial moments, blessing


The article analyzes the attitude of the sovereigns of Ancient Rus-Russia to The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius through the prism of the tradition of visiting the monastery by reigning individuals, grand dukes and members of their families. It shows a historical retrospective of the existing tradition, and the level of its significance for understanding the role of the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius in the state’s spiritual and political life. The Trinity road (the Tsar’s road) is seen not only as a path to purification, a way of approaching God, but also as the highest need of reigning individuals in blessing before the most significant events in their personal life and in the state’s life, which was largely determined by representatives of the royal house.


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Author Biography

Rostislav Yarema, independent scientist


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How to Cite

Yarema, R. (2018). Sovereigns of Ancient Rus-Russia and The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. Elpis, (20), 211–219.


